LINK; Finding a moment
A limited edition film was shown in certain cinema's around London, this film was created by the graffiti artist Banksy, called Exit through the gift shop. I heard about this film, and in turn went to watch it.
It is a shame that i cannot add a trailor of this film, so I can give more of an insight into what is about. However this documentry helped me to understand the goings on of the graffiti industry, being street art. It was fascintating to see how people began, showing me more into their world, the risks of doing what they do.

It gave me more of a taste into graffiti, as it portrayed it to be more of an clever, maybe political, or just for humourour to produce a contovercial statement. It gave more of a meaning, and understanding that will help me further my ideas and way of thinking in my project.

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