LINK; Finding a moment


Language in Devon
Obviously the language spoken in Devon is English but the local people that are born and bred there have a Devonshire accent. Its a slow drawl where the words are often rolled around when spoken. Having said this most people living in the main towns and cities have moved there from further North and it is very rare to find a true Devonian in these places. But there also a lot of foreign exchange students in Devon over the summer.

Language in Greece

The language used in Greece is Greek. There are many different accent used from place to place but the biggest cities' accents have tiny differences between them. Greece in general is not a country that has many foreign people as it is London for example, so it is unusual to hear other language around you.

It is said that Greek language is one of the most difficult languages to be learn and in my opinion that is due to the difficult alphabet.

In Greece it is very usual nowadays people to know at least one more language, most commonly English. The other most common languages that people learn are French or German. Parents in Greece use to convince their children to learn another language from early age, around 7-8 years old, and that is how I started English lessons.

In every Greek school children have English class in their three last years of primary school and for the whole high school. They also have to choose between French and German for the first three years on the high school as a second foreign language.

Language in Essex

To start off we speak English, but you could say that in Essex we have our own slang which highly has the the mickey taken out of it, ranging from a load of jokes based around Essex to the accent being mocked, all in good banter. I sometimes myself feel that people over exagerate the accent, which sounds awful and annoying. At school we do infact learn other languages, it is compolsary to learn French, and normally German, spanish or latin. So when I was at school I learnt French and Italian, but compaired to other countries I feel our schools aren't that good in the way of teaching languages.

Language in Poznan

The language spoken in Poznan is polish, which is one of themost  hardest languages in whole world. In Poznan there is a famous slang that is spoken, but if you are not from Poznan itself it is imposible to understand it, that we are very proud of. The learning system at school is very different compaired to to England, we learn more about grammer then use of the language.