LINK; Finding a moment
'Its our profession to care through understanding and experience individual dreams' ~ LINK
connection between people, things or ideas.
omething that is necessary to complete a series or solve a problem

Finding the 'moment' on High Street 2012 is our way of creating Links both between the existing environments and the people that occupy the space, in order to create places of pleasure.

As the road leading to the Olympic Park it will have a lot of attention and visitors to the area. Our aim is to improve this street to create the best impression for both the visitors, but even more importantly, for the long term residents in a way that willbenefit all and maintain a sustainable use.

Our Ethos

As working architects our aim is to fulfil the needs of the clients whilst creating a pleasurable environment for all.

We work towards linking people together with  the surroundings they are in; in order to generate the best atmosphere and most suitable design for both short and long term needs of the public.

We turn problems around to solve issues that arise in a way that is best for all concerned. 

We work towards a sustainable and ecological environment that links developing and up and coming methods with those that are more traditional in a way that is environmentally friendly.