LINK; Finding a moment
During my research into the idea of pavilions to form a way of making a snack bar that opens and shuts at different times of day, I looked into existing places that already use this idea. Camden Market was a good example of this because as well as having shop fronts that open up onto the street in a number of interesting ways, it is also a collection of fragments with unique sign-age and ways to grab the customers attention. So this links my ideas of finding fragments along the street in a way that combines it with the shop fronts.
When looking for inspiration to link toward my idea for a snack bar/cafe idea with a variety of fast food available to a number of different cutomers I realised Wasabi restaurants had similar aims and ideas.
During our Uni trip to Rome I was fascinated by the intricate detailing of the ancient Roman architecture. After a more detailed study of my site I realised that there was also a lot of these fine details going on in the surrounding area. I wanted to incorporate this wonder I had of Rome and Londons details that go almost un-noticed in todays society. It also links to my idea of fragments around the area.